Thursday, September 25, 2008


Time is on your side
so heed to patience
The targets tend
to give themselves away
Answer first
the questions of yourself

Out from cover come
so drunk with courage
Kill the that
wich stands across your way


Whenever in my life
I meet another
Man who seems to share
A love of thinking
And asking lots of questions
All the time
Because I fear
That our kind are shrinking
I'll make sure that mans
A friend of mine

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Why are some Successful?

Success, when you've done something, accomplishment of importance, Grandure making it on the main stage. This is the base and up on it you hope love, respect, happiness and health. Growing up I've always looked for it is in others that made them successful, what set them apart? Till now it's something I had a lot of trouble finding...Challenge and difficulty. Great men accept challenge, maybe even seek it out. The difficulties are only there to be out smarted, to be knocked on there ass as the King pushes through.
That's my realization. Success comes to those who are not afroad of it. Not afraid of that wich guards it. Surrouned by problems, obsitlces, temptations, emotions...and in the middle sits your success, your Dream! Take down your walls and open your doors. Find the joy of challenge and it may only be a matter of time before you have it. And so you'll face the time to stop, to know you're there and tell yourself it's OK, the race is over, now you run for yourself, run for your health.
I challenge you to step above the space you're in and make it better tomorrow, make it nicer, one step closer to a dream that today is just a dream. Pack up all your witts and courage because you'll need them, take that deep breath and start the race.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Russell Brand

Channel surfing I caught the opening of this years Video Music Awards with a 10 foot tall Russell Brand, fagging his way out on stage. I'd read something a few weeks back about his reputation preceeding him back in the UK, something like Amy Winehouse with a cock. This may be coming off a little rough, but I feel it comfortable only because he walked out on that stage and gave up some of the most offensive stand up you will see on TV in front of a happy, sunny, fresh tween crowd. From "8 years of a Retarded cowboy President" to "Alex Rodriguez had something that made Madonna feel like a virgin, a baseball bat...The womans 50." The greatest part of all this was that nobody laughed! He just kept going, they didn't get it, or they did and couldn't believe it? He just kept going plowing straight through those fucking assholes.
This crazy haired british man single handedly dropped a whole lot of MTV executive jaws. I would have offered a standing ovation, not because I agreed with him, not because it was semi political, not because no one else would, but because he walked out and went all balls, no idea if that was a cleared performance, there's no way it all could have been. That's what we need right now people who are not afraid to be heard, to make a noise, to go against their audience and say something that brings out a gasp. For better or worse it shakes things up and brings them to the surface. Russell Brand is now a person I will be paying some attention to.
Thank you for saying something in a room full of smiles.